Monday, August 18, 2008

My Poem

The heaviness of my heart
weighs down my soul....
it brings me to my knees
raw thru the shedding of tears...
There I place my heart and
fears, into the hands of God...
Ever seeking peace and quiet
that's displaced by spirits strife...
How can my human form bare
such heavy life....
I cannot...thru myself I
am of naught...but pained, and distraught...
My eyes are sore of pained
tears that stream...they fall
from eyes to heart, and there they
stay.....I seek relief before
my heart is drowned...
I wait on God who's glory
crown shines bright the hope
Thru prayer and faith and trust
I seek...please make me meek...
my heart is humbled ever so...
for I am weak....
this I know.......

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