Wednesday, August 20, 2008

God sayes to play nice!

Ok so you have something going on and it tear you my situation....God gave me Jer. 31:15-17 Very poignant...and very true of myself...I think Ok God so you are definately compassionant about how I feel....But I still struggle with this anger...I need to let it go but it sits there. Like a lump on the log at the bottom of the sea....

So God then sets me in Romans to 12:14 Bless them which persecute you:bless and curse not.
Then God directs me to Romans 12:17 Recompense to no man evil for evil,Povide things honest in the sight of all men. I have to ask forgiveness because yes I have been guilty of wanting to curse the situation. And so in tears I pray for the situation and all involved for hearts to be healed all the way around...and for all of us to learn from God and have our hearts softened to the spirits call. God is trying to tell all of us something...we all need to learn it....I was looking at legal options before all this. Now I guess I need to leave things where they are. Because realistically...what can any man judge do that God can't do better of more efficiantly? I need to just let God.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Christal I love what you are learning right now. I know it's not easy going through trials, but sometimes God speaks volumes during them. Well, that is....if you're listening.....and clearly you are. Continue to let the Holy Spirit lead you and you will sail through this and be so much stronger in the end. I hope you will contine to post because I do love reading what you write. Keep it up! Praying for you. Love you bunches girlfriend, DJ