Monday, August 18, 2008

Many Lessons In Many Days

I have been trying to get to this for a while now...but God has had me busy....very busy!! I am presently going thru a very trying time in dealing with people who have been deceptive and hurtful. And it wouldn't be so bad really except it then embroiled some members of my family who thru thier youth and inexperiance with this sort of thing believed what had been told them. So the result for me has been a very grieved heart....heavily filled with my tears and lamenting.

But God has heard me....I would like to share the verses He has shared with me...first was Is 7:4-7 This was Gods answer to me that He was not going to allow the thing that went on to continue. Then came verse Prov. 21:22 this was God telling me to wait...that he will save me. Another verse was Jeremiah 1:19 all I can say is God is amazing!! I am purposely not writting out the need to look them up as you go along on this journey with will be excited and amazed by God's word!! All of these verses came on one very next day of tears and anguish brought this:

Ps. 3 , Ps. 4, Ps. 5 and Ps. 6 in verses 6-10 is the very thing I was doing as I was reading these passages. I spent hours on my dock on the pond crying out to the Lord and telling him my griefs...He heard me...and he answered me. I asked him as the stupid human that I am to please give me a sign that he was there. And the next morning on my way to work on the driveway was....a Quail...your thinking...yeah and??? Well what did God give Moses and the people in the wilderness for substanance? Quail and manna from heaven. I took this to be God letting me know He is there and He did hear my lamenting and my tears..He is Providing for me as He did his people in the wilderness......and might I say I do live in the middle of a forest....lolol He also on this day gave me the verses Joel 2:12-13a very powerful.....

On the next day....I was grieving in quiet at work...and wrote a poem which I will post seperately...for you all to read. But the verse he gave me after I wrote that poem is awesome: Ps 31: 10-18: 21, 24 and so for now I leave you with several days of lessons God has taught me. What have I learned: God is there...He is real and when you seek Him you will indeed find Him. I am soooo excited to see what he will reveal to me next...He has brought me peace of heart and mind for I know that He will clean up that ugliness that has brought such grief into my life...He will feed me...and protect me...because He loves me...and I love Him.

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