Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Who's your friend?

You learn who your friends are....the stick and stayers as it were....when you've been gone awhile. You wonder if anyone misses you if they even know your gone...Well hmmm lets just say I know where I stand with people I had been involved with for years. And the only ones I had any standing with are my wonder Pastor Roberts and his beautiful wife DJ and the every loving George and Jonnie Simmons. And that completes the list for my Christian friends Travis and Erin I always talk to but they are in Georgia....oh my. They need to move back!!!! And of course my "worldy" friends who believe yet don't partake of church. Why do they always stay yet the christians run?? Still baffles me to no end. I can run into people at the store and be all happy and how are you and you can tell they dont want to talk to you. It saddens me that so many that had been one way are really and truly another way. Or is it because I got divorced and remarried and then don't know what to say?? I didn't die people I changed the direction of my life and if you would but talk to me a while you would be amazed at what has gone on in the last few years. You would see someone strong and able someone who can stick and stay....ya i've missed lots of church but I didn't quit God. Why should I He never quit on me. And I wont quit on you either. I will still run into people and still be excited to see them and talk to them. Even if I hadn't seen them at church in a while. Saw Crystal (wilson) she has a sweet family. Threw her for a loop because I said Hi how you doing the kids are cute....I didn't let her feel like oh my where have you been and what have you been up to?? That's not my position. My position is to love and accept everyone...doesn't Jesus? Doesn't God? Then why don't the other Christians do that?

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